The change and total recording

All the matter and energy is in constant motion. It is unstoppable and even capturing or precisely documenting any processes are not leaving its framework. We might think that sound recording or photography freezes the time, but it is not very exact. The same time and energy is needed for our perception to read it. Light needs to be reflected towards our eyes and vibrations of air pressure delivers sound to our ears. Information itself is the change from non-information and therefore it needs any change in state.

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We might think and even hope for something to be fixed in the universe, a hunt for formulas able to describe certain behavior is evident. Bud even this description needs extremely plastic matter to read a meaning. The human brain reading and understanding a formula or this text needs to perform billions of operations casting about 30 watts of energy powered by body’s owns reserves.

In the way, all organisms needs a constant flow of energy thought their bodies to operate. And there is no way how to step out of this circle keeping organism alive. An idea of an information floating above this all is not only wrong but completely misleading. Recording of an events do not create second universe, but a reflection within itself. All known means of capturing process is just creating an illusion of repeating of an event, what a horrible mistake.

There is nothing repeating at all, everything just flows by its complex paths and what we can is to observe it at maximum. This glorious victory of nature is all absorbing and any revolution of mind or any other matter cannot break the rules. We may split the atom and observe wild dance of energy released but we are unable to change rules how this will happen. There are islands of predictable matter in our CPUs able to behave deterministic, so we are probably able to calculate all its possible states to even distant future, but even such understanding of one laboratory don’t break the laws.

…more to write
